Humorous Signs
111 products
He Rules the Roost, I Rule the Rooster!
He Rules The Roost, I Rule The Rooster! This rustic sign is a funny little way of saying just how it works at your house! This sign has a rusty red background and measures 11×18. It comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging! Handcrafted with pride!
No Cussing, You Might Offend The Horses!
No Cussing, You Might Offend The Horses! Hang this in your barn or whereever you want people to watch their mouths! This sign measures 12×12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Never Approach
Never Approach: A Bull From The Front, A Horse From The Rear or A Fool From Any Direction! This is great advice for anyone! This black background sign has a red edge and measures 11×20. It comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!!
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Cows, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing! (Select Color)
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Cows, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing! If this isn't the plain and simple truth among farmers and ranchers! The more cows, the merrier!. This rust background sign measures 11×24 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging!
The Only Stock I Own, Has 4 Legs!
The Only Stock I Own, Has 4 Legs! This humrous wooden sign exlpains where all of your money is spent, not on stocks and bonds, but livestock! This white background signs measures 12×12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Calving/Haying Season
This sign says “Business Hours Subject To Change During Calving Season” on one side and “Business Hours Subject To Change During Haying Season” , on the other. This sign is REVERSIBLE! The sign measures 11×15, is dark green on one side and navy blue on the other. It comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Fishing is Not About Life or Death, It's More Important That That!
Fishing Is Not About Life Or Death, Its More Important Than That! If fishing is all you can think about, then this is the sign for you! It also makes a great gift for that “fisherman” in your life! This white background sign measures 12×12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
If You Get To Thinkin’ You Are A Person Of Some Influence, Try Orderin’ Someone Else’s Dog Around!
If You Get To Thinkin’ You Are A Person Of Some Influence, Try Orderin’ Someone Else’s Dog Around! This humerous sign is the truth when it comes to Man’s Best Friend! This sign has a white background and measures 12×12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Ropin Stories, Told and Retold Here!
Ropin Stories, Told and Retold Here! This sign tells the truth of any team roper, ropin’ stories will be told and retold, so beware! This white background sign measures 12×12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging! Handcrafted with pride!
Rodeo Stories, Told And Retold Here!
Rodeo Stories, Told And Retold Here! Seems like all rodeo cowboys can’t tell enough stories about their “rodeo days!” This white background sign measures 12×12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Speak Your Mind, But Ride A Fast Horse!
Speak Your Mind, But Ride A Fast Horse! A funny little saying for your sense of humor! This white background sign measures 12×12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Speed Limit, Walk, Trot, Lope
Speed Limit, Walk, Trot, Lope. Post this sign to show the speed limit around your place. This white background sign measures 11×14 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Don't Steal… The Government Doesn't Like Competitors
Don't Steal… The Government Doesn't Like Competitors! Enough Said! This white background sign measures 12x12 and comes with a grass rope hanger for easy hanging! Handcrafted with pride!!
Cowboy's Logic: When You Get Bucked Off, Get Back On
Cowboys Logic: When You Get Bucked Off, Get Back On! This is the cowboy code to never give up and if life gives you a bump in the road, don't let it get you down, get back on and finish the job! This white background sign measures 12x12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Hoosier… Humorous
Hoosier (hoo-zar) A person born or living in Indiana, industrious, hospitable, down-home folk, who enjoys popcorn, Indian summers, race cars and basketball. We did this sign as a custom piece for a customer and just couldn't pass up offering it for sale… This sign measures 11x18, has a white background and red painted edge. It comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Money Can't Buy Happiness… But It Can Buy Coffee, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing (Orange)
Money Can't Buy Happiness… But It Can Buy Coffee, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing! Love this sign, love the red background! Hang this in your own kitchen or give it to that friend who has a "coffee drinking problem." This red background sign measures 11x24 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!!
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Boots, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing (Turquoise)
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Boots, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing! You know that special person who just can't pass up a new pair of boots... This turquoise background sign measures 11x24 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!!
There Are Two Theories To Arguin' With A Woman, Neither One Works
There Are Two Theories To Arguin' With A Woman, Neither One Works! Well if this isn't the truth!! Don't argue with a woman is the best advice any man can follow! This white background sign measures 11x18 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Golf: It's Not A Matter Of Life Or Death, Its More Important Than That
Golf: It's Not A Matter Of Life Or Death, Its More Important Than That! Show everyone that your hobby is more than just a hobby! This white background sign measures 12x12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Cowgirl's Logic: Women Have To Work Twice As Hard
Cowgirls Logic: Women Have To Work Twice As Hard To Be Considered As Good As A Man. Fortunately, It's Not That Hard! Yes, some of us Cowgirls are as good as the Cowboys! This 12x12 white background sign comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!!
Cowboy's Logic: About Half Your Troubles Come From Wanting Your Way
Cowboy's Logic: About Half Your Troubles Come From Wanting Your Way, The Other Half Comes From Gettin' It! This is a reminder to us to be thankful for what we do have and not worry about what we don't. This 12x12 sign has a white background and comes with a grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!!
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Chickens, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing (White)
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Chickens, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing! Those of us with a "chicken problem" can relate to this sign. This sign has a white background and measures 11x20. It comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging! Handcrafted with pride!!
90% of Ranch Divorces Happen After Sorting Cattle Together
90% of Ranch Divorces Happen After Sorting Cattle Together. Hmmmm, if this isn't true, I don't know what is. There have been many times that couples get into a squabble while working cattle. This white background sign measures 12x12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
"Keep Your Clothes On!"
"Keep Your Clothes On! Indecent Exposure WILL NOT Be Tolerated! Anyone involved will be banned from the premises! Pendleton Round-Up, Let 'Er Buck Room. This funny little sign hangs in the World Famous "Let 'Er Buck" Room in Pendleton, Oregon, reminding people to KEEP THEIR CLOTHES ON! This white background sign measures 9x14 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy haning! Handcrafted with pride! All rights reserved by the Pendleton Round-Up LLC.
Huntin' Isn't A Matter Of Life & Death, It's More Important Than That!
Huntin' Isn't A Matter Of Life & Death, It's More Important Than That! Do you have that special hunter in your life? Or maybe the hunting fanatic is you?!? This white background sign measures 12x12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Ropin' Isn't A Matter Of Life and Death, It's More Important Than That!
Ropin' Isn't A Matter Of Life and Death, It's More Important Than That! Well…. That pretty much sums it up! This white background sign measures 12x12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging! Handcrafted with pride!
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Border Collies, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing (Black)
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Border Collies, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing!! Do you love these black and white dogs? Are you amazed by their intelligence? (I am)… This white background sign measures 11x24 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging! Handcrafted with pride!!
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Llamas, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing!
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Llamas, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing!! Love llamas? Then you will love this sign! This rust background sign measures 11x24 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging! Handcrafted with pride!!
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Australian Shepherds, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing (Rust)
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Australian Shepherds, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing!! These dogs can be addictive… their loyal and hard working personalities can grow on you.
This rust background sign measures 11x24 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging! Handcrafted with pride!!
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Sheep, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing (Navy)
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Sheep, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing!! Sheep… sometimes that's all you can think about! This navy background sign measures 11x24 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging! Handcrafted with pride!!
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Heelers, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing (Navy)
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Heelers, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing!! If you just love those strong willed pooches, then this sign is for you.
This navy background sign measures 11x24 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging! Handcrafted with pride!!
We're All Here Cuz... We're Not All There!
We're All Here Cuz... We're Not All There!! WOW! If I haven't said that to myself several times in the last few years! This sign lets people know that they aren't the only ones that might be a little "out there!" This white background sign measures 12x12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging! Handcrafted with pride!
Alimony Is Like Buying Oats For A Dead Horse
Alimony Is Like Buying Oats For A Dead Horse. Well this sign might say it all for those who have had a few hard times! This sign measures 12x12, has a white background and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!!
Cowgirls Logic: The Only Time A Woman Can Change A Man Is When He's A Baby
Cowgirls Logic: The Only Time A Woman Can Change A Man Is When He's A Baby! This is our reminder that men just can't be changed! This white background sign measures 12x12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging! Handcrafted with pride!
Cowboy's Logic: Gettin' Up A Lynch Party Is Not Group Therapy
Cowboy's Logic: Gettin' Up A Lynch Party Is Not Group Therapy! This sign reminds us that sometimes the popular opinion may not always be right. This white background sign measures 12x12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Cowboy Logic: Don't Ever Touch Another Man's Hat!
Cowboy Logic: Don't Ever Touch Another Man's Hat! Well if that doesn't say it all! One way to make a cowboy grouchy, is to touch his hat! This white background sign is 12x12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!!
Quityerbellyachin'" This red sign is perfect to hang up and let every one know, they need to stop grouching!! It measures 5.5x19 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Chocolate, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing!
Money Can't Buy Happiness, But It Can Buy Chocolate, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing! Yes, yes it can! Buy this sign for yourself or the chocolate lover in your life! This sign has a tan background, measures 11x24 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging! Handcrafted with pride!
WANTED: Man about 90 years old, half blind...
WANTED: Man about 90 years old, half blind, with one bad leg, good with a gun, to watch my wife while I go hunting!! Hang this in your "Man Cave" or den. This funny light yellow sign measures 11x18 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Money Can't Buy Happiness… But It Can Buy Hunting Licenses, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing (Maroon)
Money Can't Buy Happiness… But It Can Buy Hunting Licenses, Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing! If this isn't true for some people (most of my family included)!! This dark green background sign measures 11x24 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging! Handcrafted with pride!! Customize the colors to match your "Man or Woman Cave"
Money Can't Buy Happiness But It Can Buy Labs Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing (Rust)
Money Can't Buy Happiness But It Can Buy Labs Which Is Pretty Much The Same Thing!!! Are Labrador Retrievers your dog of choice?? This rust background sign measures 11x24 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
If Your Are Grouchy, Irritable, Or Just Plain Mean, There Will Be A 10.00 Charge For Putting Up With You!
If Your Are Grouchy, Irritable, Or Just Plain Mean, There Will Be A 10.00 Charge For Putting Up With You! Hang this somewhere you don't want to deal with anyone's attitude! This white background sign measures 12x12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
Cowgirl Logic, No Man Has Ever Been Shot While Doing The Dishes!
Cowgirl Logic, No Man Has Ever Been Shot While Doing The Dishes!! Hang this in the kitchen to remind your husband that IF he does do the dishes, it will NOT kill him! This white background sign measures 12x12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!!
All Cows Write Down Day Your Going To Calve, Day, Hour… Need Help? Yes or No?
All Cows Write Down Day Your Going To Calve, Day, Hour… Need Help? Yes or No?
This sign cracks me up and would be very useful if our cows could fill it out for us!! This black background sign measures 11x14 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride! -
Never Miss A Good Chance To Shut Up
"Never Miss A Good Chance To Shut Up" This wooden sign explains why sometimes saying nothing at all is the best way to go!! It measures 12x12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. The background of the sign is white. Handcrafted with pride!!
If You & I Can't Get This Job Done Together, Then You'd Better Find Me Some Different Help...
If You & I Can't Get This Job Done Together, Then You'd Better Find Me Some Different Help... My Husband made this one up, don't know if I should laugh or be offended
This sign measures 12x12, has a white background and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride! -
I Can Only Please One Person A Day…
I Can Only Please One Person A Day… And Today Is NOT Your Day, And Tomorrow Isn't Looking Any Better! Have you just had it? Does everyone seem to annoy you? Then you need this sign!! This white background sign measures 11x17 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!
This product has been "stressed" to make it look antiqued and "old." -
No Dancing On The Table With Yer Spurs On!
No Dancing On The Table With Yer Spurs On! This humerous sign will cheer up your guests. This white background signs measures 9x14 and comes with the grass hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!!
On This Site In 1898, Nothing Happened
On This Site In 1898, Nothing Happened! This is a funny little sign that can be hung anywhere to give yourself a little smile! This white background signs measures 7x13 and comes with the grass hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!!
Cowboy's Logic: Be Sure To Taste Your Words Before You Spit Them Out
Cowboy's Logic: Be Sure To Taste Your Words Before You Spit Them Out! Remember that saying that your Mama taught you, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all?!" This sign helps you remeber that as an adult. This white background sign measures 12x12 and comes with the grass rope hanger for easy hanging. Handcrafted with pride!